Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Has Become of Sports free essay sample

A persuasive discussion of the transformation of sports into a money making business. This is a persuasive paper that tackles the idea that sports has become simply a marketing agent and a business game rather than a sport that promotes competition, values and respect. The author argues that sport has recently been transformed to a commercial mechanism whereby the media promotes ideals of heroes and contribute to the ideals of falsity and corruption. Sports has become a commodity and a marketing tool and a money orientated idea. Includes an analysis of the statement by Tyler Cowen we run the danger that commercially successful heroes induce dangerous forms of mimesis and fail to help citizens coordinate around noble ideas. Thesis: The marketing of sports has become a business where players make more money marketing the products than playing the game. Sports heroes are then, no longer promoting the ideals of competition and values, rather through the commercialization of the team and player they are contributing falsity to a society already chaotic. We will write a custom essay sample on What Has Become of Sports? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Atomic Number Definition - Chemistry Glossary

Atomic Number Definition - Chemistry Glossary The atomic number of a chemical element is the number of  protons in the nucleus of an atom of the  element. It is the charge number of the nucleus since neutrons carry no net electrical charge. The atomic number determines the identity of an element and many of its chemical properties. The modern periodic table is ordered by increasing atomic number. Atomic Number Examples The atomic number of hydrogen is 1; the atomic number of carbon is 6, and the atomic number of silver is 47, Any atom with 47 protons is an atom  of silver. Varying its number of neutrons changes its isotopes while changing the numbers of electrons makes it an ion. Also Known As: The atomic number is also known as the proton number. It may be represented by the capital letter Z. The use of capital letter Z comes from the German word Atomzahl, which means atomic number. Before the year 1915, the word Zahl (number) was used to describe an elements position on the periodic table. Relationship Between Atomic Number and Chemical Properties The reason the atomic number determines the chemical properties of an element is that the number of protons also determines the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom. This, in turn, defines the electron configuration of the atom and the nature of its outermost or valence shell. The behavior of the valence shell determines how readily an atom will form chemical bonds and participate in chemical reactions. New Elements and Atomic Numbers At the time of this writing, elements with atomic numbers 1 through 118 have been identified. Scientists typically talk about discovering new elements with higher atomic numbers. Some researchers believe there may be an island of stability, where the configuration of protons and neutrons of superheavy atoms will be less susceptible to the quick radioactive decay seen in known heavy elements.